JACKASS BITTERS DRIED LEAVES ak Zeb-a-pique, Tres Puntas, La Gavilana (Neurolaena Lobata) 2Oz .... Product of Belize.
JACKASS BITTERS DRIED LEAVES, harvested from the rain forests of Belize, have anti-viral and anti-malaria properties. Used by the Garafunas, these dried leaves can be brewed into a medicinal tea to promote overall wellbeing. Enjoy the health benefits of Belize with JACKASS BITTERS DRIED LEAVES.
This is a natural Bitter Herb from the Belize Rain Forest reputed to address several wellness issues from lowering A1C, to the common cold, to attacking viruses and soothing respiratory illnesses.
The leaves are hand-picked from wild growing trees in the Belizean rain forest, cleaned, natural-dried and then packaged into food-grade resealable pouches. There are no additives or preservatives.
This is a STRONG HERB, please use sparingly while you adjust to taste.